Opening Hours: Sat - Thr 9.00 AM - 06.00 PM

Tablets DYSTO

Generic Name: Qurs Pechish

Prevents rapid diarrhea and antidysenteric

Each Dysto Tablets Contains:

Kaolinum Ponderosum    - 142.9mg
Piper Nigrum                   - 71.4mg
Acacia Arabica                - 34.7mg
Mercuric Sulphide           - 17.9mg
Calsium Lactate              - 35.7mg
Talcum Powder               - 7.1mg
Other ingredients            - Q.S.
Ref: B.N.U.F (Qurs Pechish) Unani Medicine

Dysto is a herbal anti dysenteric tablet . Describe the pharmacological properties of the herbs used in Dyronil tablet. 
Quercus infectoria: It contains tannins , which have ability to combat various virus, while at the same times strengthening the tissues. It is useful in chronic diarrhoea, dysentery, bleeding haemorrhoids, varicose veins and long standing gonorrhea.
Terminalia chebula: It has mild laxative, thermogenic, adaptogen, anodyne, acrid, purgative, digestive, carminative, anthelminitic, astringent, antiseptic, stomachic, tonic and alterative properties. It is aneffective purgative and helps in removing toxins.
Emblica officinalis: Amla fruits is a natural and efficacious antioxidant which contains the highest amount of vitamin C in natural form. It is acrid, cooling, refrigerant, diuretic, laxative. The dried fruit is useful in anxiety, melancholia, haemorrhage, diabetes, diarrhoea and dysentery.
Indication: dysentery, blood dysentery, diarrhoea & gastrointestinal pain. 
Dosage: 1-2 tablet 2-3 times daily or as directed by the physician .
Side Effect: No side effect is yet reported in recommended dosage.
Storage: Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool & dry place. Protect from light.
Presentation: Each box contains 10x5=50 tablets in blister pack. 

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Head Office Address: Anwar Mansion, 132 North Bashaboo, Sabujbagh, Dhaka-1214, Bangladesh
Factory Address: Bhuiyan Villa, Sreepur, Fakirhat, Feni Sadar, Feni-3900, Bangladesh
+880-1918-677718, +880-1861-509944
+88-02-47218043, +88-02-47218225

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